[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]Remember, not so long ago, you were in Annecy, during your language stay. You enjoyed the pleasant atmosphere of the school. You know that IFALPES likes to remain active. So we put all our energy into not breaking the bond that binds us to the students and to continue doing what we love to do: teaching French! We have put all our knowledge, all our experience and all our good humour to help us get through this crisis together!
That is why we have set up a new program called Keep Learning French. We offer this program to new students. But we also want to tell you about it. Keep Learning French allows you to learn or strengthen your French during this period of confinement.[/vc_column_text][vc_single_image image=”17937″ img_size=”full”][vc_column_text]IFALPES is sharing its expertise in e-Learning and distance learning with students and alumni. Hence, from your home, during a period of confinement, you can follow online courses with the professors of our school that you met and that you certainly remember : Corinne, Pascaline, Emilie, Emmanuel, Anne-Lise, Sébastien, etc…
We have set up 3 solutions :
- Distance learning courses in groups (6 to 8 students maximum) on a 15-hour weekly format coupled with our e-Learning platform. This is a very user-friendly format that appeals to many students. In addition to the group courses, we organize activities which allow us to make connections in these difficult times;
- Individual distance learning courses coupled with our e-Learning platform. This format is perfectly adapted if you have specific needs. If you want to work on particular grammar points.
- Unlimited access to our e-Learning platform that some of you already know. This platform has 400 training modules from A1 to C1/C2 and allows you to benefit from the coaching of the teachers.
We also organize online “social” activities so that everyone can relax and get away from the routine of everyday life during the present situation.[/vc_column_text][vc_single_image image=”17924″ img_size=”full”][vc_column_text]
Every Monday at 3.30 pm: Teatime!
Take out your most beautiful mug and join us for a friendly moment to share your daily life and meet the other students! In French, of course!
Every Thursday at 2pm: Let’s play via Kahoot!
Let’s play ! General culture test! Music ! Literature !
Every Friday at 1.00 pm: Aperitif !
The Friday appetizer is sacred! After your classes come and meet us online for a drink and a chat!
And we also provide you with a group on the e-learning platform:
Getting by without getting out!
A space to share our advice on how to cope with confinement!
Join us, take part in the energy of the school.
As a former student of IFALPES, you can take advantage of our Keep Learning French program. Registration fees will be free and you will benefit from reduced rates for access to the e-Learning platform.
Here are the prices for the #Keep Learning French program:[/vc_column_text][vc_single_image image=”17930″ img_size=”full”][vc_btn title=”Click here to follow the Keep Learning French program” style=”outline-custom” outline_custom_color=”#d23732″ outline_custom_hover_background=”#d23732″ outline_custom_hover_text=”#ffffff” align=”center” link=”url:https%3A%2F%2Fifalpes.com%2Flearn-french-online%2F|title:Learn%20French%20Online||”][/vc_column][/vc_row]